Outdoor Aerial Singlemode Self Supporting Fiber Optic Cable
AFL Mini-Span® All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) cable is designed for outside plant aerial and duct applications in local and campus network loop architectures. From pole-to-build to town-town installations, the Mini-Span® cabling system, which includes cables, suspension, dead end and termination enclosures, offers a comprehensive transmission circuit infrastructure with proven, high-reliability performance. As the ADSS cabling concept implies, a separate messenger support wire hanging system is not required, greatly reducing installation time and improving upfront and maintenance labor costs.
Mini-Span® includes fiber counts up to 144 optical fibers and any type of combination of single-mode and laser-optimized multimode fibers with the cable. Pole-to-Pole span lengths range from 50 feet to over 1000 feet. Custom ADSS design options allow span lengths of over one mile (5,280 feet).